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Articole despre ‘magneziu’

Importanta magneziului in alimentatia copilului

Publicat pe 23 Mar 2014 at 6:00am

Sanatatea oaselor in cazul copiilor este data nu doar de consumul laptelui si al altor alimente bogate in calciu, ci si de semintele de dovleac, ciocolata neagra, somon si migdale, potrivit unei cercetari recente a Societatilor de Pediatrie prezentat la intalnirea anuala din Washington DC.

Acest studiu arata ca alimentele bogate in magneziu joaca un rol important in formarea oaselor in cazul copiilor.

O multime de nutrienti joaca un rol important in fomarea unor oase puternice, iar magneziul se numara printre acestea, spun cercetatorii.

In timp ce se cunostea ca magneziul este important pentru…

on the line at the combine for Jared Goff

Publicat pe 22 Mar 2014 at 9:41am

California quarterback Jared Goff is measured at the NFL football scouting combine in indiana on Saturday. (Emmanuel Conroy/Associated Press) Jared Goff is almost certainly considered one of, If not the top qb in this draft class. He has already taken one of the primary tests of the combine before even stepping foot on the field. Two questions that are continually asked aboutGoff regard his hand size and his weight. Goff is a higher, Skinny quarterback with what are believed to be small hands. Many have wondered if Goff has the bulk to face up to the hits quarterbacks can take in the NFL, A few worry about…

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